Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wrestling...Eric is in Heaven!

Last week Blake Pinned his opponent!
We were excited since it is his first middle school match.

This week he won by points.
This is not a fun position to be in.
Chloe found a horsey.
The cheer squad!

Need to update!

Here is the front of the house,
we finally got the cedar shakes
up on the Peak.

Um, I have a "Rain Garden" This duck seems
to see it as a pond.
Chloe likes it when Grandpa shares
his Raisin Bran.
For the first time in my life....
My vehicle can have a sleep over in the Garage :) Happy!
We put trim up on all the windows...
The bay window now has a wood seat,
the plywood was not the look I wanted here.
Here is the new side deck.
We finished the wood on the stairs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January Progress...

Chloe's grandma could not pass up this dress
Could you?
She came to church with us and everyone
oooh and ahhhed as she walked in herself.
Her new words are horsey, no way, toys
She LOVES to talk, She is totally realated to Chelsey.
She holds her play phone to her ear and Blabbers a ton.
Here is our side deck getting the railing up.
Cedar Shingles on the back.

Eric is ready to be done with all the house fun!
More Jan pictures to come, we worked WAY more than this!