Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Last night in PA!

Well it's officially here...
Our last night living in Port Angeles.

I needed to take some pictures of my kids
before I left because they are so dang cute.

Ok I love this girl! I can't even begin to
explain to you how much! Tonight she said
"Grandma you have chocolate? I said no, She said "I love chocolate".
now I know it's official she's mine! I love chocolate too!

 I know you think I only have four kids...
The reality is here in this picture.
Marty, Cody, and Chelsey's best friend Chelsea are also my kids.
 I love this one...

They turned out great! (The kids and the pictures).
Tomorrow starts a new adventure we are excited for!
Stay tuned for updates!


Donna Copp said...

Beautiful Pictures. They really did turn out great (both kids and pictures). So happy we got to see you before you left. You really aren't going that far, and know you will be back for visits often. Love you guys!!

Kristen Brady said...

Miss you guys already. So excited for your new adventures to come though!