Wednesday, February 1, 2012

He chose regular surgery, Wisdom teeth and more MRI's.

After much thought he chose regular surgery.

His surgery won't be till April so I can have my surgery
 and have time to recover and we can go to Utah and get his car and unload his storage unit.

He will get a preview soon though because the roots of one of his
 wisdom teeth is winding around a nerve in his jaw so he will be getting his wisdom teeth out soon!
(Yes he is thrilled).

Also the other kids MRI's start this Monday with Chelsey!
(She's not excited).

Sign Language class starts tomorrow!

It's February Hope you all have a Happy Valentines day.

1 comment:

Kristen Brady said...

Love you lots! I just sent you an email and realized that I should also have said that I'm sure Rich would help with info via email and phone as well. I'll get that info for you and you can contact him when and if you desire. Hang in there - lots of prayers heading your direction!